Marco draws his HMG (which resembles Allen O'Neil's HMG, the M60) and shoots at the foe. Rumi Aikawa, Sisilia (both variants), Rootmars X, and other support units are able to produce HMG crates, and only their teammates can collect them.Ī Heavy Machine Gun normally has 200 ammo from Metal Slug to Metal Slug 5.Ĭrossover Appearances Neo-Geo Battle Coliseum In Metal Slug Attack, units who collect an HMG crate on the field gain a temporary attack boost. All prisoners who normally gave out HMGs will give bomb ammo instead. In Easy mode, all characters replace their pistols with an infinite HMG, with Fio holding the Big version. In Metal Slug 6 and Metal Slug 7, Fio Germi starts with a Heavy Machine Gun in her weapon stock. The exception being Metal Slug's third mission when fighting the Tani Oh which gives out a Rocket Launcher instead. It is also very common compared to the other weapon pickups, and appears whenever a character restarts after using a continue. It has the same firepower as a regular handgun, but its high fire ratio compensates for it, turning this weapon into one of the deadliest of all. Learn more about the steps we take to ensure a safe excursion for all.These crates are easy to find, and the 7.62mm FMJ rounds in them fits most of the automatic weapons utilized on the battlefield.

We are passionate about flying and shooting, but safety always comes first. If you bring those with you, we’ll provide the information, education, and oversight, to ensure a safe operation for all. Instead, these three things are required: humility, a willingness to listen and learn, and a positive attitude that focuses on safety. You may be asking – “Do I need years of firearms experience in order to be safe while helicopter hog hunting?” Actually no. HeliBacon history of safe operations is extremely important to us. The result of HeliBacon’s focus on safety is an injury-free track record. We discuss and demonstrate firearm safety, safe operations in and around a helicopter, the unique aspects of using a firearm to shoot from a moving helicopter, 360 degree awareness, communication procedures and commands, and many other topics. We conduct a mandatory safety course for everyone who hunts and shoots with us. Safety is HeliBacon’s most important core value. Reload the machine gun and engage! This is the coolest thing ever! Hands trembling with excitement as the remainder of the hogs run for cover. The pilot says loudly through the headset, “Clear to fire.” You steady the rifle and aim, your target in the center. Reminding yourself before you pull the trigger the first time, put the dot on the target and squeeze. The time is near for you to load the your machine gun.

Arriving over the first hunt property, the aircraft pitches aft, slows and descends to hunting altitude. The sound of the rushing wind and the steady beating of the rotor blades puts you in an almost meditative state. The safety course is a breeze, but you mentally review the instructions given by the pilot and crew chief, and remember to stay calm as the helicopter lifts off the ground. Shutting off the alarm, images of the day are nearly unimaginable as the adventure is completely new. The safety course is scheduled an hour before dawn, but you’re already wide awake. The morning of the hunt does not start like any other day.